The Sounds of, Silence, 61~63

These are the philosophies of, life…translated…


The weirdest labyrinth of life is a straight line, seemingly, ordinary, simple, nothing strange, but we don’t know, that the lines had been, weaved from the intricate, the complex threads.

What’s most weird and fazing was, why would those complex strands that twisted and turned, become, so simple?  Could it be, that it is, a grace endowed to us, from someone?

Yeah, that is how it goes, isn’t it?  When you feel that life’s getting too hard, and you can’t, make it through, you see the light suddenly, after being stuck in the dark too long, and you attribute it to the grace from up above, because it feels better, that we all, leave our lives, in the hands of a, “higher power”…


There’s not necessarily any love in pity, but, there’s the pity in love for sure, which showed, of how complex love is.

But, the complexities of love, we’d usually, backed out of and away, from, this is due to the weakness of, man.

So, it’s all our nature, that we feared a good thing, because of how we’d, gotten socialized to NOT trust this world, that’s why, we don’t have any faith in the world around us, which is precisely WHY the world is going to hell!


There is no, Mother Nature, Mother Nature is, make-believe.  But we needed this belief that counters man and the world.

Man and the world are too complex, so we need the simplicity of Mother Nature.

So, there’s NO, mother nature, but nature exists on its own, and the thought of Mother Nature is just to fulfill our needs of having a loving mother, who will, accept us whatever we do, and we in turn, abused her, keep taking from her resources greedily, until she decided enough IS enough, ALL you stupid little humans need to learn your lessons, then, she’d, UNLEASHED her anger out on the, world.