The Year-End Banquet with My Children

Treating yourself, AND the kids to a meal, because you’d worked hard, all year long, taking care of them, and they’d, worked well along with you too!  Translated…

In January, my husband told me, that the year-end banquet of his company is coming, and he won’t be home until past nine, there will be the good foods, performances, as well as a raffle too; in the past few years, I’d had to watch the kids, and I’d become, envious that he got to attend, and so, I’d decided, that on the evening of my husband’s end-of-year banquet at his company, the kids and I will go to a restaurant to dine too, to have a special end-of-year banquet for us.

the year-end banquet hosted by the companies…photo from online

Taking a seven-year-old and a three-year-old on my own out to dine, it was, somewhat, difficult, maintaining order while waiting to get seated, the two young children waiting for me to split up the foods for them, suddenly, someone needs to, go……….and I can only, gulfed down my meals, and only known that I’d, eaten already, and, not much more.  Thankful, I’d recently found a children-friendly restaurant, with the live performances, and the older girls who can become my kids’ playmates in the game room, I get to feed myself first, then, call them out to eat.  And, as we got home, I’d, also held a raffle with my kids, and the surprising yelps, and the joyous laughter filled that night.

“Today is our year-end banquet!  Did you guys have a blast?”, I’d asked my children.  “Yes we had!  But, what’s a year-end banquet?”, the kids questioned.

celebrating with the kids at a restaurant…photo from online

“It’s a gathering that companies held for the hardworking employees through the entire year, mom’s work is taking care of you guys, I think, we’d all worked really hard for the past year, we’re all, amazing, and so, I’d had a year-end banquet, for all of, us, and next year, we will, work well together again, and, have another year-end banquet!”, I’d told them.

“Yay!  Today WAS, fun!  But mom, I think we are amazing EVERY DAY, and we should, reward ourselves, every single day!  We can have many end-of-year-banquets, and not just once a year?”, the kids’ childish words made me laugh, but they seem to, have a, point! So, why must you wait, until a special occasion, to treat yourselves kindly, I mean, everyday should be lived like that, I mean, you’d worked hard, caring for your children, and your work is around the clock, 365 or 366 (depending on if it’s a leap year or not!) days a year, and you DESERVE some special treatment for all of your hard work, and you still don’t have days off like on the weekends or the national holidays when the regular 9-to-5ers are off…