The Balance of Love

The balances are now, more even, as you losers need to pull your weights INSIDE the home too, because not all of us women are stay-at-home mothers and housewives, many of us have jobs outside the homes too now, and you should pull in your equal weight around the house now!  Translated…

My parents were educated in the Japanese method, my mother took care of all the household chores, my father is a macho man that believed that women’s places are to serve men; and my husband grew up in a traditional farming huge family, where he was raised to believe, that the kitchen is no place for a man, which deeply made him believed, that “a man’s place is not the kitchen” firmly.

查看來源圖片something that we WON’T allow for in our homes!  Photo from online

I’d felt uneven since I was a young child of the gender inequalities, this is the modern days, and we’re still living on how women are to serve men, and so, the man I’d dated, if there were too macho, I’d, ousted them immediately.

Before I married, I’d, used a very high standard to check if my husband met the requirements, and told him flat out, that I love a man who does chores, and he’d, agreed, and accepted it.  After we were wed, we’d, split up the tasks, one of us would cook supper, the other did the laundry; one of us mopped the floors, the other did the dishes. At first, he wasn’t experienced enough, he had NO clue how to operate a rice cooker, or the washing machines, I’d taught him step-by-step.  As my children came, we were drowned in the chaos, the busyness, and I’d longed to become a robot, with the extra sets of arms.  But thankfully, my husband got skillful in cooking, doing the laundry, and making the formula and changing the diapers too.  My younger sister told me that I must’ve done something right in a past life, but the truth is, good men are not born, they’re, made.

My neighbor, Mei would often envy me, “your husband is so hard working, swept the yard, hung out the laundry loads, gone grocery shopping, dropping the kids off to school, picking them up, I see him in and out of your house so many times a day.”, and I’d always told her, “he’s in charge of the outside, I inside!  The house needed cleaning up, tidying up, I’m not all leisurely either!”, the couples should be grateful for what each other puts in, and show that kindness, that understanding toward one another, as for who did more, there’s no need to keep track, and because we don’t keep tract of who did what, that’s how we can, get along so well, keep watching over one another.

The generations from before, like my father and father-in-law, they can’t even make a bowl of instant noodles themselves, let alone doing the dishes, the laundry, or even, cooking.  It wasn’t until after my father retired, when my mother fell ill did he start helping out around the house, and slowly, gotten to understand, how hard it was, for my mother, to handle everything big and small inside the house, which gave them more chances to interact with one another, and they’d become, even closer to each other than ever before.  Which proved, that if the household chores were split up evenly, the family will work even better.

this is what we women want!查看來源圖片photo found online

There’s no gender specifications in this world with the various kinds of families now, and the macho man beliefs had already been, eliminated by society already.  There are more working women in the modern day world right now, the good men who’d come home from work should automatically help out with the household chores without being told, and this is, the KEY to maintaining a harmonious family, a happy marriage!

And so, we’re, so freakin’ far away from the days when women served their men hand-and-foot, and you losers won’t have it easy, because none of us women are having it easy, like how this woman’s husband was finally, TRAINED to help her out around the house, and he came from a very traditional, macho family where MEN don’t do shit but go to work, and after they come home, they sagged down on that couch, waiting to be served by their wives, well, that’s sometime ‘round LAST century, and this IS the 21st century that we’re currently living in, so, time to do away with those age-old beliefs of, oh, I’d worked all day long outside my house, and I come home and DESERVED to have a good meal prepared and ready to consume by you, my W-I-F-E!  ‘Cuz we won’t have it, EVER!!!

oh and this too!查看來源圖片uh-huh!  Photo from online