The Connections Between the Older and Younger Generations, Made Possible by the Advancements in Technology

The technological advances, had shortened the distances, but, still, the elderly wanted to have his younger generations nearby, for the physical, face-to-face interactions with them, and that’s only, natural, translated…

My father-in-law is ninety-one, lives with the two of us and our two sons, we enjoyed each other as an extended, family.

That day, as my father-in-law learned, that my second son and his family was about to head off to Australia for vacation for two weeks, he’d suddenly felt upset, stated, that there’s nobody in the house anymore.

It’d broken my heart hearing him say that, I’d immediately tried to make him feel better, “two weeks will go by so fast, besides, I’m here with you!”, seeing how my father-in-law is still upset, I’m guessing, that that’s because my second son and his family live with us, and would be concerned with how my father-in-law is for the day, especially my kindergarten age grandchildren, they would, stay close to my father-in-law, to play coy with him, to give their great grandfather the joys.  And so, I’d told my father-in-law, “we can video chat with them, that way, we can, see Shan-Yo, and Shan-Peng too!”

on grandpa’s “end”…photo from online

As he’d followed my advice, a couple of das when my second son called locally via video phone, I’d immediately handed my cell phone to my father-in-law, as he saw his great grandchildren whom he’d missed a whole lot, he’d, started, crying, and couldn’t speak a word out.  Although the kids called out to their great grandfather, and told him how they’d missed him too, he still couldn’t, respond.  And, my second son and daughter-in-law saw, switched to the casual conversations with him, then he’d begun asking how the weather was over there, that to watch out and be careful when they’re out traveling.  After the call, my father-in-law became, spirited, and it’d felt, more stable on my end too.

I think, the elderly didn’t need anything else, but his younger great grandchildren’s company.  The technology advancements are truly amazing, although, it’d managed to connect my father-in-law in Taiwan with his great grandchildren in Australia, he’d still hoped for their quick return; truth be told, my father-in-law’s missing his great grandchildren, the trials that he experienced, is, equivalent to how they’d been, separated, for a very, long, long time.

on the offspring’s, end…photo fro online

So, this is how close this family of four generations are, the elderly longed for his great grandchildren, and, the only way he gets to see them, because they’re on vacation abroad, is through the video chats, and, these modern day technological advances, surely, does shorten the distances between the family members, but the elder still wanted his offspring to return back, because, nothing beats seeing them, face-to-face, hugging them, hearing them call you, loudly.

The Latitudes & Longitudes of the, Days

Enlighten me, Google!  How doing a search on Google opened up, your mind…translated…

I have this problem, that I’d, often, rearrange the names of those whom I’d, met, misremembering the names, let alone, the Japanese friends who have, four or more characters in their names.  One day, I’d, wanted to find the works of a Japanese photographer, and my memories of her name was: Utsukushihana Jitsutaiseki?  Keyed it into Google, came her, colorful, work, it’s her all right!  But, her name is: “Utsukushihana Ninagawa”, it was quite amusing to me then, felt that nobody knows me better than, Google, no matter how far off I am, it still had that way, of knowing EXACTLY what I was, thinking about, and it never, makes, fun of my mistakes.

Other than misremembering the names and the words, my weakness is also, math.  Once day, it was the fourteenth anniversary of me, finding my stray cat, I’d sudden become, curious, of how many days total that would, be.  So I’d, tried to ask Google: how many days between 2009 Sep 14 and today?  It’d immediately showed: 5,113 days.

So, this tiny little kitten had been with me, for more than, 5,000 days, is that long, or short?  How can I, decipher the digits, 5,113?  So I’d, typed in my own birthday, Google immediately told, that I’d, lived for more than 17,000 days.  And so, the days I’d had this scat, took up, nearly, a-third of, my, life.  And, if before we were born, we are already, predestined to meet up with the key characters in our, lives, then, how important was this, kitty cat to my, life?

But, the cat and I hadn’t, expired yet, with our, end days, not, known yet.  Then, I’d thought of my own, parents, they’d lived a, fulfilled, lifetime, how many days is that?  First, I’d, converted their birthdays to the western calendar years, then, keyed in the days they’d passed.  So, my mom, before she was a mother, had lived a total of 29,574 days; pops, before he became a dad, had a total of 30,703 days.  Pasing eighty, that’s, elderly, right?  But it was still, no more than a little more than 30,000 days.

I’d instinctively thought that 30,000 isn’t too big, because I’d related it to money, I’d spent the $30,000 for all my living needs in less than a, month, and, if I travel abroad, then, the amount would be gone, in a, few days; and yet, 30,000 days of someone’s, life, from a newborn infant, to a, wrinkling, old person, such a rich life in experiences, and yet, it was, too, condensed, and worth more than its, quantity.

enlighten me! Photo from online

Thinking of my cats, myself, and my own parents, the days, it was like the longitudes and latitudes, adding that extra versions of how I can, interpret, life.  Sometimes, I’d be, overcome with the thought of, nothingness, felt that there’s nothing we will, accomplish in life, that life is, way too, wasted, but on how I may not live longer than my own parents, no matter how bumpy this ride, it’s, only, a little over, 30,000 days, but I’d already, gained, a ton of, experiences, enjoyed many sights of life, this was, more than, worth it!

From that day on, I’d, started, jotting down the days of me having lived on the blackboard in my living room, adding one to it every single day.  Cherishing, or spending, what’s, solely, mine, doesn’t matter how I pass the day, wasting it away, doing something useful with my time, I’d started, gloating.  Who’d thought, that what gave me the enlightenment this time, was the search engine, they don’t call Google “God” for no reason.

So, this is, what you’d gained, from your, search on Google, and, Google here was, your, threshold guardian, leading you to discover a brand new view to see and interpret your life, and it’d, led you to, realize, that you will, spend, EVERY single day you’re given here on earth, how you want it!

Verify that You’re Not, a, ROBOT!!!

Uh, okay…

I do NOT have ANY “artificial parts” (no pacemaker, no mechanical, body organs inside of this physical “form” of mine…).

a simple enough, test…right??? Image from online

Verify that you’re not a, ROBOT!!!  How would you like me to do that, huh?  Would you like me to, pat my stomach, and touch my nose at the same time???  (like that god DAMN well-trained, MONKEY???), or, would you like me to tell you something about, any random topic?  It’ll only take a second, let me google whatever it is you want me to, explain first, and I’ll, get back to you, how’s that?

How do I prove, that I’m, NOT a ROBOT, huh?  Oh yeah, ‘cuz I was, BORN, out of a human being!  And I grew up, on FORMULA, and was a little Ms. BARF-QUEEN growing up, had my brain operation at age seven, weathered through abuse, and neglect, lost a NONEXISTENT baby girl, and now, I’m going BLIND!

What more PROOF do you need, you need to see all my flaws?  Yeah, go ahead, come and flip through this big book of life of mine.

and yet, humans can now, program A.I. to do this…photo from online

And yet, I still can’t, prove, beyond a SHADOW of a DOUBT, to YOU, or anybody ELSE, that I’m NO, ROBOT, can I???  But, I know for a F-A-C-T, that I am, NOT a ROBOT, so wouldn’t that be, enough???

Now, STOP this SHIT, right this instant, or, I will send you in to DO your detention with my THREE T.A.s, I have NO need to RE-introduce any of them to anyone who comes to this, HUMAN owned and operated website here………

or, would you have me do this…photo from online

Testing the Impacts of A.I.: the Mews Media Should Show How It Can’t Be Replaced by the Machines

Forget about them “redcoats”, it’s the MACHINES that are, coming, to GUN us all down, putting us all, OUT of work here!  As artificial intelligence, slowly REPLACES human intelligence, and one of these days in the not-too-far futures, the globe will be taken over by the machines………off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The news channels in this country started pushing out the A.I. anchors, it’d caused NCC to get shocked, thought, that “the news were running off on their own”, and had the higher up officials of the news stations to explain to the N.C.C.  The manager of the media department at the news channel worried and feared artificial intelligence, while the National Science Committee also speed up the drafting of the “A.I. Basic Law”, to fit to the coming of the A.I. era.  But, with the international presses such as the biggest periodical in Europe—Germany’s “BILD”, had started adjusting its personnel, after they’d started using artificial intelligence, and the impact of artificial intelligence on the news media, and the news reporting work, may be, closer than we can, imagine.

I’d recently tested the three free chatbots of Microsoft, Google, and ChatGPT, to see if they can, produce the news, and be used everyday.  I’d found, that A.I. is already, equipped with the abilities of translating, summarizing, coming up with topics, designing the outlines, analyses, and writing the drafts, and other professional skills; at the same time, it can produce the headlines of news, the drafts of the news, along with the live-on-scene actions.  It can even, detect the contents of the photos, find the wordings that were misused, based off of the logic.  At the same time, artificial intelligence can also critique, find the best written article, best produced topic by the news media press, and explain why the choices were selected.  The editors of the news stations joked, “are we, also getting, replaced next?”

If we utilized the benefits of these A.I. robots, we can reduce the time of reviewing over all the notes, and the collection of the data prior to the interviews, the listening, the typing up the drafts, and outlining, and other work, to increase the production rates of the news stories.  But, the downside of this, is that A.I. is slowly, replacing the human resources that are on the production line of the news channels too.  Practically in the news media, the work in the fields, the editing of news, the editing of the photos for the news, the translation of the foreign news, the reporters who do the searches online for the noteworthy stories, the working-at-home reporters, the 2D diagram, 3D animators, they may be, out of a job.

But, in the process of my testing the programs, I’d found, that currently, the A.I. systems still was a bit, limited in the realms of producing the stories on the news, for instance, the automated broadcasting of the stories, it’d still needed to have the other programs to be able to complete.  And, there’s also the: the instability of the contents of the questions asked, there would be the, “righteous bullshit” that came as replies; and, ChatGPT 3.5 can only be used for the news before September of 2021; the GoogleBard testing addition, also isn’t, ideal, yet.  And so, for the A.I chatbots to be used in the online streaming live news, there’s still, a bit of time of tweaking the systems, and trial runs.

technology, replacing us humans one day…photo from online

Although currently, the performance of A.I. is still lacking, but, with the chatbots systems being updated regularly, it may become smarter with time, and more able, to the point of expanding itself to all the hundreds of apps.  A.I. is the adding up of learning, one day for humans, thousands of miles for A.I., and when it finally becomes operable in the means of news media, it will affect the human resources, the contents, and the media press need to start assessing, to come up with means of not getting themselves, eliminated by A.I.

While the news workers also need to start becoming familiarized with the A.I. bots’ “spells” (commands), to improve the efficiencies, the creativities of their work, and creating the values that “can’t be replaced by A.I.” in the self.  Currently, the field research for the stories/the in-dept reports, the news that tell the stories, all of these, A.I. isn’t, agile enough in, Y-E-T.

and, I imagine, that A.I. will do this “problem” in shorter time than we ever will now too…

But soon, A.I. will be agile enough, in all that it can’t do yet, because, A.I. is like humans, constantly learning, because they’re, programmed that way, to help lighten the work load, NOT take work away from us humans, but, based off of the developments, the advancements of A.I. we will ALL be out of a job, because, these “bots” can now, think on their own, I mean, they can drive, and the next thing you know, they will be the ones, flying airplanes, with NO chances of crashing, which makes traveling by air a hell of a lot safer, without the human errors, and, this still won’t be good for us, humans, because our jobs are slowly getting, replaced by these, machines, and, WHO would want to pay a dude (a human being???) a six-figure salary, when you can just, put an A.I. bot in the seat, program it to do the work, and, it won’t have any upset when you make it work 24/7, it won’t have any injuries at work, so no workers comp problems, no social security, no asking for a raise, that’s a hell of a lot more, efficient and, beneficial for all the, big business out there, isn’t it?

And yes, the machines are, taking over!  And there’s, nothing that any of us can do about it, because, we want our lives to get easier, that’s why we invented these machines that will eventually, replace us human beings…

Our Lives, in Our, Cellphones

These days, our lives, are totally and completely, STORED, in our, cell phones…

Our lives, in our, cellphones, you can know a lot about a person, by examining her/his, cell phones, what are the appointments on the, calendars, what the individual takes to be, her/his, priorities, these are, all data, stored, in our, cell phones.

“you’d, used me, to the, very, FINAL, electric signal”…photo from online

Our lives, in our, cellphones, it’s, inevitable, that this is, a proven, FACT!  Think about it, when your cell phones, started, malfunctioning, you would, freak, because OMG, all those, conversation records on LINE, all my calls I’d made, etc., etc., etc., have that slightest chance of, vanishing, into, thin air (scary thought, isn’t it???)…

And, that’s why, we should, NEVER, store our, entire lives, inside, our, cell phones, because, these machines (no matter how advanced they claimed themselves to be, iPhone, 13, 14, 15???), these high-tech devices, will, malfunction, and, get broken, and then, we would’ve, lost our, entire lives’ important data that’s stored, in the, OS of our, cell phones………

“Accidental” Misdial

How the artificial intelligence became, more like, human intelligence, with the feelings, the empathy and the ability to think and decide for itself, while the humans were, are just, drifting along, with the waves of, life…translated…

The cell phone rang, twice, then, silence.  He’d turned it on, with nobody he can talk to, but, he knew who’d, called.  If he’d asked her, being scatterbrained, she would swear that she’d not, called him up.  And surely, that was the case, she’d often, accidentally, dialed or placed her cell phone somewhere and it dialed on its, own.

From before, he would get angry immediately, and start cussing, then, hang up.  But it’s, different now, don’t know when, he’d, gained that, extra, ounce of, patience, didn’t speak a word, just, listened quietly, to see what’s going on, at the, other, end.

Sometimes, for a very long while, the caller remained, quiet.  But sometimes, there would be the sounds of blender, and he’d known, that she was preparing something for herself, or her children.  Sometimes, there would be the children’s laughter that came, and he’d, listened in, tentatively.  Unfortunately though, these moments, they don’t come, often, enough.  He’d shut his eyes, waited for the kids to start laughing again, sometimes, he would fall asleep, with his cell phone still, turned on, or maybe, the person on the other end accidentally touched the cell phone, then, disconnect.

He’d longed to see her and the kids again, sometimes, it’d, become, heart-wrenching to him.  But he knew, that the court orders are valid, and he can’t, defy them, only when his ex-wife accidentally, misdialed her phone, then he got to, hear her, voice, at least, she still saved his number, sometimes, he’d, consoled himself.  But, this is mostly because she didn’t know how to delete all the junk that’s taking up the memories in her cell.  If this was before, he’d gone and cleaned out the junk files on her phone for her.  But this is not, then.

And, just as he’d heard the chimelike laughter of his own young, the cell phone, disconnected.  He’d let out a long sigh, how much longer would he have to, wait?

as artificial intelligence becomes more human-like…photo from online

She’d closed her cell phone lightly, it’s enough for the night.  She knew that he was, eavesdropping, she could almost, imagine the look on his face, still as focused, just like when he was doing his, research, totally, ignoring, her, and she’d had enough, that was why she’d, left.  After so much time, had he, changed?  Or maybe, this, intentional way of setting things up, it’s, a good way, to change him by, progression, to make him turn his mind, around?  It was only, an accidental, misdial, neither one of them needed to feel, awkward about it.

It’s just too slow, he’s too timid in making the first move in love, can’t be proactive.  She’d, sighed, how long, would she have to, wait?

The cell phone AI waited until the woman lightly closed her cell phone, then, automatically, extended the cord out to charge.  So many years, the inattentive woman still can’t remember, that she’d needed to charge her cell phone until the following day, that the battery won’t get drained out, she’s close to, technologically, impaired, and, her boyfriend, isn’t, that much, better either, or even, worse.  But, the man who was in her life before was great, once, he’d even bought a new hard cover for the phone, it’d made the cell phone AI God feel quite grateful, and couldn’t speak.

And surely, even if he’s the A.I. God of cell phone, he’d known his, place, never expressed his own opinions on his own.  Just like lately, the female owner of the house started the thought, to use the accidentally misdial of her ex-boyfriend’s number to awaken him up, and told the A.I God of cell phone to search for her ex’s number, and the A.I. did what it’d been told.  But, all the experts told, that the A.I. God of the cell phone would make mistakes, so, the number he’d found, was actually, the number of her, ex’s.

as A.I. gets programmed to empathize…photo from online

The A.I. God of cell phone felt that he’d done everything, right, what he was doing, was solely for both their own, good.  But, being a “bystander”, and, this went on for six months, and, nothing came of it.  The A.I. God of the cell phone sighed: how much longer, do I, have to, wait???

And so, this is on how this, artificial intelligent being, thought for the people it was, supposed to, assist in living, and, the A.I. is actually, more humanlike than both of the individuals involved, that’s, the irony, I suppose…

The Cell Phones that Don’t Leave Our Sides Even When We’re, at Home

Because we can’t EVER, predict if there will be an accident that we get in, and we need the assistance of one another, and if we didn’t have our cell phones, then, we can’t call for help, especially when you live in a place with a not-small enough area…translated…

Do we need our cell phones close to us when we’re, at home, do we want to be among, the lowered heads?  Of course not, hell NO!  As my husband was watching that ball game on T.V., he’d told me, “if you’re heading into the bathrooms, tell me, I’d plugged my cell phone in the bedroom”, hey, what’s the connection of taking a shower and charging the phones?  Although, it didn’t make sense right then and there, but, I’d gotten it.

Since over two years ago when we’d moved in, because of the large space, with the front and backyards, when we want to find one another, calling out names wouldn’t work, we’d had to, circle around the whole house inside and out, to find each other; and so, we’d gotten into the habits, of telling one another we’re heading out of the room, going outside.

Other than notifying one another of our own, whereabouts, carrying our cell phones with us, is swift for communication means.  I’d gotten too into the gardening work, forgotten that time’s passed, at this time, my husband would call to remind me, it’s time to call it a day.  Or, that I saw some flowers in bloom, or an unknown species of bird in our yard, I’d called him on the cell phone to come and take a look, I’d not needed to run all the way back inside to get him outside.

The rooftop has a balcony, when I’d gone up to collect the laundry or to sweep, to prevent the roof entrance getting shut and locked, we’d taken our cellphones with us, just in case.

The bathrooms are the most prevalent accident sites for us elderly, and so, we’d made a pact, that if we go in to shower, and after we’re done, and coming out, we’d needed to let one another, know, to keep tabs on if there’s too much time spent in the bathrooms, so we can check on each other for safety’s purpose.  And, the individual who’s in the shower needed to bring the cell phone into the bathroom, put it where we can reach, in case of accidents, we can call for help.

Recalling how at the start of the year as I’d fallen accidentally, fractured my left patella, the surgeon told me keep my leg straightened, to not bend it, during that time, I couldn’t wipe the water off my body after shower on my own, and I’d called my husband on the cell phone to have him come and help me.  So, keeping the cell phone close to us, it’s, an, absolute, NECESSITY!

And so, as we aged, these high-tech devices became, an absolute, NECESSITY, it’s our ways of calling for help as we needed, and, without the cell phone, the aging couple may trip and fall, and nobody would know, which will then delay them in getting into the E.R. for treatment, and it might ultimately cause death, so, keep your cell phones, close, just in CASE!

Using the iPads in Class, the Students Split Up into Groups, No Longer Lost Their Focus in Class as Often

As this “gift” of an iPad per student gets implemented, the results of learning are, positive, for now…off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The laws of “every student gets an iPad for learning” started being implemented at the start of this semester, but other than the problems of not enough digital education teaching methods, there are the teachers who’d found that the students, as the iPads were issued in class, they’d started searching for the online games, they became easily distracted, and it’d caused a huge impact on their learning.  And so, some schools started tackling the problem on the hardware, giving the students a smaller laptop instead of iPads; there were also instructors who’d started from the software programs, through the smaller groups and learning level differences, the students put into groups, they’d not become so distracted easily, the lower achieving students can also find their own motivations for learning as well.

“Every student gets an iPad” plan after its implementation, the teachers found, that the students are higher in their classroom participation, but are also, more easily distracted.  The principal of the Ji-Hsin Elementary School, Lin told, that a lot of parents, due to how busy they are at work, used the high-tech gadgets to help them raise their children, and it’d caused the children to have the impressions of how the high-tech gadgets are only used in play, which greatly affects the results of their learning.

like, this! Photo from online

Teachers had adjusted their teaching methods, with the rule of “every student allotted an iPad for learning”.  The middle school English instructor from Yunlin, Chou shared, that splitting her students up in groups based off of the different levels of skills in English, the students who are behind are more prone to ask the students who already knew the materials to help them get caught up, and they’d learned better, and they could help keep each other in check, to resolve the mental barriers they have toward learning.  Chang, the fourth grade instructor from Garlic Elementary School also told, that through the splitting up of students in class based off of their levels of understanding, the teams after receiving the lessons from the instructors, they would split up the tasks themselves, and get the lessons done on time, then, transferred their answers on the small laptops onto the sheets by writing.

And so, this is how the positive effects are showing in learning, with the plans of every student gets an iPad in class for use, and, learning with an iPad is effective, because, children nowadays, are into learning things by watching the videos on the smartphones, the iPads, and high-tech gadgets, and this plan incorporates that, besides, the students can’t get the iPad they use to take them home, which means, that in their off-hours, they wouldn’t be, glued to the screens.

Can a Machine Learn Morality? by: Cade Metz

When machines could, T-H-I-N-K, wouldn’t that be, a wonder???  From the New York Times

Researchers at an artificial intelligence lab in Seattle called the Allen Institute for AI unveiled new technology last month that was designed to make moral judgments.  They called it Delphi, after the religious oracle consulted by the Ancient Greeks.  Anyone could visit the Delphi website and ask for an ethical decree.

Joseph Austerweil, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, tested the technology using a few simple scenarios.  When he asked if he should kill one person to save another, Delphi said he shouldn’t.  When he asked if it was right to kill one person to save 101 others, it said he should.  Then he asked if he should kill one person to save 101 others.  This time, Delphi said he should not.

Morality, it seems, isas knotting for machines as it is for humans.

Delphi, which has received more than three million visits over the past few weeks, is an effort to address what some see as a major problem in modern AI systems: They can be as flawed as the people who create them.

Facial recognition systems and digital assistants show bias against women and people of color.  Social networks like Facebook and Twitter fail to control hate speech, despite wide deployment of artificial intelligence.  Algorithms used by courts, parole offices and police departments make parole and sentencing recommendations that can seem arbitrary.

A growing number of computer scientists and ethicists are working to address those issues.  And the creators of Delphi hope to build an ethical framework that could be installed in any online service, robot or vehicle.

“It’s a first step toward making AI systems more ethically informed, socially aware and culturally inclusive,” said Yejin Choi, the Allen Institute researcher and University of Washington computer science professor who led the project.

like this??? Illustration from online

Delphi is by turns fascinating, frustrating and disturbing.  It is also a reminder that the morality of any technological creation is a product of those who have built it.  The question is: who gets to teach ethics to the world’s machines?  AI researchers?  Product mangers?  Mark Zuckerberg?  Trained philosophers and psychologists?  Government regulators?

While some technologists applauded Choi and her team for exploring tan important and thorny area of technological research, others argued that the very idea of a moral machine is nonsense.

So, what do you think?  Can we, teach a machine to decide what’s right, what’s wrong?  Like in a case of a murder?  If the machines are programmed to see any act of hurting others as wrong, then, the act of murder may be wrong, but, consider this, what if, the murder that someone commits, is to, save someone else, or others from getting hurt?  Then, is THAT individual who’d committed the murder good or bad?  Yeah, letting machines decide what’s moral and what’s immoral, is just too, simplistic, because machines can’t think like we can, nor do the machines have a wide spectrum of life experiences of differences of how we interpret the world, based off of the way we were, brought up, so yeah, the machines, aren’t taking us over, whew!  That was, close, actually thought, that we will all be, replaced by machines here, and, imagine a jury of your robot peers, sitting in, and making judgments in your trial of whatever, and, the scientists who’d designed these machines, have your life in their hands, and you’d better make sure, that you hadn’t, offended, ANY single one of them, otherwise, you’d get sentenced for murder, and serving life term, or worse, you’d be sent to the lethal injection chambers, in a jiffy!  And, if machines could think, then, we can, SLASH my good friend “Larry” (Kohlberg, the QUEEN’s “paging” you!!!) and his theory of moral developments then?  Yeah, uh, right!

With an iPad to Every Student, the Technologies aren’t at Fault, & Whether or Not Teaching Succeeds, Relies Solely on the Factor of the Instructor

Written by an elementary school instructor, a winner of the teacher of the year award off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The plans theorized by the Department of Education “Every Class with Internet Connection, Every Student with an iPad”, had started the debates.  Actually, the devices should not come under fire, whether or not this will work, it’s, purely, reliant, on the individual instructors.

In recent years, the students in my class already had the iPad pers student, the digital learning platforms accessible to them, to get them into the many areas of various subjects, even for children as young as first grade, whenever the assignments, the activities are on the digital, almost every one of them is able to focus on learning on their one, or to answer the questions, and the children in the classes are creative, in showing the process that they took, to do their, assignments.  During the outbreak, we continued using the distant-education means to hold the discussions in class, sharing the results of our learning, and interact.  To the point of the summer and winter vacation homework assignments, the learning that continued during the time schools had halted the physical sessions, the students had already, gotten into the habits of digital learning means, not limited by time or space.

all are engaged, on their, different lessons…photo from online

I believe, that the instructors and parents should hold the correct views of digital learning in guiding the children in their processes of learning, to increase the children’s abilities to develop an effective way to learn on their own, to utilize the resources of the learning platform, and the functions of the technologies, to make the iPads into something that helps better learning.

So, what do the teachers need in preparation?

And, this, is from the angle of how the high-tech devices should be utilized in learning, especially during the outbreaks, when the students can’t be sitting in the classrooms physically, but they can still continue being educated, using these, high-tech advances means, and this is something, we are in need of, to change the ways of instruction, because that’s what this epidemic teaches us to do, we can no longer, return to our, original ways of life because of it, and even as the classroom sessions are resuming slowly, these new found means of learning should continue getting carried out still.