
How we sometimes, needed something in between us, to keep the interactions flow, more, smoothly, this applies to, every day living, translated…

Can’t even recall now, what made me started arguing with, Y, after the meal, with full anger in my stomach, I’d gone to, brush my, teeth.  Squeezing out the toothpaste, and, started, attacking my teeth and gums, the originally smooth movements to clean, it’d felt, dried, and abrasive, I’d, had difficulties, brushing my teeth, and it’d felt as though at any moment of time, my teeth will, start, falling out.

So, I’d forgotten to dip my toothbrush into the water first, the existence of water, so important, as a medium, to start the foam up, take away the stains.  As I brushed, I’d, started paying attention to my surrounding environment then, the walls that made my bathroom became like a mouth, while Y and I, were like the teeth and lips, would we also, need the medium between us, to make us go smoothly through our, days together too?  If so, what might that, medium, be?

Try to be gentle and mild?  Adding in some sweet talks every now and then?  Enormous, patience?  Just right amount of, tolerance?  I’d thought about all this, while I was, brushing my, teeth.

Splat!  I’d, spat out my mouthful of upset and the foamed dirtiness, then, turn the faucet on to the maximum volume, washed everything down into the, drains.

In the movie, “Interstellar”, it’d mentioned that love need no medium to get, transferred, while some dentists said, that we don’t need to dip our toothbrushes with the toothpaste on them into the water first, that we can rely on the frictions that the brushing action create, to get rid of the stains on our, teeth.

And yet, the truth of it all is this, life needs it, the mediums, when we brush our teeth, and when we interact with everything and everyone in our, lives.

So, this medium, it may not be absolutely necessary, but it surely makes life a whole lot, smoother, like how the writer brushed her teeth without dipping her toothbrush into the water, and the frictions the toothpaste on the teeth felt, hard, in interaction it’s like that too, we need to, give each other some space, put a little distance in between, for the love we share to be, appreciated, because, being too close to one another, that’s what cause us to get into one another’s, ways, and, friction leads to fights, silent treatments, and, it won’t end well if you keep this going…

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