A True Beauty

This woman IS a role model, not because she was an actress, or how she’d become a published author, but because of her grace, how she still stood tall and proud, as life tried to hit her and break her down, translated…

I would often, flip through my photos of those college years past.  To the very first page, it was the headshots from when I was little, all the way up to my adulthood, but as I’d flipped the album, I’d found, that there was a photo of Hu, who’d been noted as the “most beautiful woman in Taiwan” in the bunch.

the woman, Hu when she was younger…photo from online

I’d never been too starstruck, but, as I’d just begun my college years, saw that photo in a magazine, I’d immediately clipped it, placed it in my album.  The thought that surfaced back then was, I wanted to live my life as she, filled with the flair, and the intellect.

Other than her work in the shows, I’d also, paid attention to how she’d carried herself in the vital moments of decision in her life, seeing how her wisdom had, helped her, how at the face of her ex-husband’s accusations of her being unfitting, how calm she’d remained……………forty years flew by, she’d turned around, she’s now, a collective of writer, translator, and environmentalist, all in, one, she is, truly, a role model.  Graceful, elegant, with a lot of love for life, she’s no longer a star, but, more than a star that she was, she’d become, a true, beauty.

Toward her own appearances and her acting career, Hu never felt truly, happy in it, she’d told, “reading and writing is what make me happiest”.  The liking I took to her, now I saw her as a fulfillment of a woman, a guideline to me, a role model.

how she is now…with that sense of, being knowledgeable about her…photo from online

Hu, my one and only idol, from my teenage years, to now.

So, it’s NOT her beauty, or anything else that’s external that’s made this woman a role model of the writer, it’s the internal quality of how this woman, despite the awful things that’s happened to her in life, she still refused to get beaten down, and still, stood beautifully, now more than ever, and she’s the embodiment of beauty and grace, a perfect example for us, women to try and live up to.

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