The Leaves of Indian Almond

Haste makes, WASTE, or rather, it’d, caused you to, spend, the EXTRA money that you could’ve gotten the items you needed, for absolutely, F-R-E-E!  Lessons of life here, translated…

It’s said, that the leaves of the Indian almond is a good tool for controlling the quality of water in a fishtank, it helps with balancing the pH level, as well as control the growth of bacteria, allowing the species in the tank, to live closest to their, natural, environments.

the dried leaves that go for a dollar apiece from an online store, photo from online

Of course, we can use the chemicals to mix up the solution, to help steady the quality of the water in the tank too, but the leaves of the Indian almond are natural, not like chemicals, like eating a varieties of vegetables and fruits, beats taking the, vitamins, I a firm believer of natural is the best.  My index finger stayed still on the left key, the seller’s ad stated, that this is the seasons of the leaves of the Indian almond falling down, that if I’d missed out, I’d had to, wait for a whole year, for the next year’s leaves to fall to purchase, buy now, regret later.  My finger clicked, I’d, placed an order, a leaf for two dollars.

I’d picked up my package at the super convenience store, couldn’t wait to open it, retrieved a huge bag of the leaves out, just like the photo online, the oval shaped leaves, that full and steady red color, circular, and filled with the bliss.  The seller had even added a postscript: to thank you for your purchase, I’d given you a few extra pieces.  I don’t have a big tank, I’d used a-third of a leaf, this amount would last me, a long, long, time.

The following day, as I normally had, I’d, passed through the, park, passing the elderly who were, exercising, the ladies heading off to the marketplaces for the groceries.  The more anxious I was of heading off to work, to finish up the tasks I had waiting for me at the office, I’d, moved faster and faster, and faster still.  Then suddenly, the rustles came into my ears, I’d, looked, and found myself, walking across a, thick, full leaf—that saturated red, wasn’t it the Indian almond leaves I’d just, purchased yesterday, that I was so glad I bought for two-dollars apiece, cheap?

or you can, wait for the leaves to fall out of the trees at the local parks…take a broom, and a trash bag to collect, and you’d be doing the park cleaners, that favor, reducing their, workload…photo form online

I stopped, DEAD in my, tracks, and, suddenly found myself, standing, over a blanket of the leaves, a gentle breeze came, then, several leaves, fall down.  I’d, lifted my head, the stems and the leaves are, red, decorating the trees, covering up half the sky, like a peacock, with the tail feathers, fully, propped up, like the flamingos.  Did I, really, pass her every single, day?  I’d refocused onto the ground, the leaves are stacked up now, I’d thought, if I can, pack it all up, and take it away, I would’ve, definitely, helped the park sweepers a whole, lot.

In the evenings, I’d felt cheated, and, picked up a leaf, took it home to compare.  And, without a doubt, it was, the exact same as I’d, ordered, while, the one I’d taken home was red, and it’d, looked, better than the one I’d, purchased that came in a, pack.  At this time, I had, a mixture of, feelings, and, got stuck in the, confusions; are all the problems that we’re troubled by in the current moment, all have the answers right in front of our eyes?

But, at least, one thing’s for sure: I will NEVER need to, spend any more money on the leaves, to use it to purify my, fishtank after this!

So, sometimes, we’re, too caught up, stuck in the problem we are stuck on in the moment, and we can’t see the solutions, and all we needed to do, is to, take a step, backwards, to see the whole picture, but, because we’re, STUCK on that point, we can’t step back and see, until, we are given the, opportunity to, step back, then, VOILA, so that, is what this is!

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