The Preschool in Yonghe Was Found for Improper Discipline of Young Children, a Nursery Worker Was Fired

Maybe, it’s the, individual caretaker’s behavior, but, there’s a larger picture here too, just because that TODDLER didn’t RETURN to her/his SEATS after going to the TOILET, and just because this KID refuse to go down at nap time, they were, punished for it, and that’s, just, not right, and these early childhood educators DESERVE a HUGE fine too!  Off of the Newspapers, translated…

An unnamed preschool in Yonghe had the incident of a nursery school teacher improperly disciplining a young toddler, because the young child squiggled during nap hour, the nursery worker had, wrapped the tapes around the child to prevent the child from squiggling around, another toddler hadn’t returned back to the classrooms after going to the toilet, the nursery employee had, blocked the door to the restrooms, to prevent the young child from coming back out.  The Department of Education stated, that as they’d examined the facts, the nursery worker was confirmed of physically punishing, improperly mistreated the young children, one employee was fined $80,000N.T. for breaking the regulations of nursery worker principles, and fired; the other person, fined $6,000N.T.s.

Someone posted on the Group, “I’m a Local from Yonghe”, posted the name of the nursery workers who got fired, with the contents “the nursery workers’ improperly treating the young children”, and the “major improper treatments of young children by nursery workers”, that they were fined $80,000N.T. and $6,000N.T. individually, and this became widely discussed in the forums.

Based off of understanding, the incidents occurred in November of last year, the nursery employee, Deng during nap hour, found that a young toddler was squiggling around, to make sure that the young child did NOT affect other children of the classroom, she’d taped the young child’s legs together.

Another young child, told Deng that he needed to go to the toilet, but as the class session had resumed, he’d not, returned back to his seat, Deng, to teach the child that he needed to “return to class on time”, she’d blocked the doors to the restrooms, and prevented the young children from coming out.

The Department of Education stated, that Deng’s restricting the child from exiting the restrooms had, been confirmed as her improperly treating, a severe form of physical punishment on the young child, and she was fined $80,000N.T.s for breaking the regulations of nursery workers, fired, and listed for monitoring for a whole year; while the other classroom instructor, Lai, knowing that Deng had improperly disciplined the young children, did nothing to stop her behaviors, was fined $6,000N.T. for improperly overlooking the wrongful discipline of the young child.

So, this is how, the government CRACKS down on the improper treatment of children in nursery schools, I mean, these are what, two, three year olds, they are only, beginning to get, POTTY TRAINED (the ANAL stage of psychosexual development by Uncle Siggy???), and these nursery workers, should’ve had more patience, to allow these young children, to GO to the potty, to give them all the time they needed, but hey, the ratio of the class is, how many adults per kid again?  And, based off of how EVERYBODY is trying to enroll their young into these, FREE nursery, daycare programs sponsored by the government, the teacher to student ratio, doesn’t even work, and so, this is what had, happened: the teacher became, impatient of what this one kid did, and, punished  her/him, and got fined, and, fired, and noted for an improper educator of early childhood.

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