The Preschool Sponsored by the D.o.D. Found to Have Abused the Young Children, Two Early Childhood Educators Were, Terminated of Their Hiring Contracts

The individual instructors’ bad behaviors, giving the D.o.D. a bad rep, and, if the D.o.D. sponsored preschool was found to have abused the young children, then, how can the D.o.D. be effective, in, defending the rest of the country as a whole???  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The incidents of child abuse in the  D.o.D.’s sponsoring the Shihjian University in operating the Dajr Preschool came out, the preschool yesterday posted on FB the letters to the parents, the two instructors who’d behaved inappropriately toward the young children had both been terminated in their contract for hire.

The preschool is located right outside of the Bo-Ai Base, the location is excellent, started when it’d begun back in 2020, there’s always parents lining up to enroll their young in, and recently, there was the news of, child abuse.  The Department of Education of Taipei stated, that after the allegations were found factual, the two instructor had been punished by fines, and, they’d been placed on the No-Hire list for life, they will never work with young children ever again, as for the outside’s suspecting that the school knew of the abuse but didn’t report, the Department of Education is currently investigating the matter, and the results will come out by the beginning of January of next year.

The school’s letters stated, that at the end of October, they got a complaint from the parents, that of the Tree Frog’s class, there were, two educators who’d behaved improperly toward the young children, and as they reviewed the surveillance cameras in the class, they’d found no evidence of improper misconduct, and the director of the preschool and the parents supervised into the investigations, and found, that the instructors had, abused the young children.  The director and the supervising parents immediately notified the university which operated the preschool, as well as the D.o.D., and provided the surveillance footages, and gave the related data to the Department of Education of Taipei, to have them investigate the matter further.

The school stated, because from before the reports, they’d not observed any physical injuries, or heard any verbal complaints, that yesterday, as the director and the office personnel went to visit the classes, they’d found nothing out of the ordinary, the teachers weren’t improper toward the young students, that the instructors and the students were interacting normally in the playground outside of class, that they’d not noted the issues between the children and the instructors on time, the director and the school officials blamed themselves, felt upset over what had happened; after the incident, the school once again, trained the workers on the means of positive reinforcement teaching methods, and had been checked at random times by the Department of Education too, given the access of the classroom recordings, along with allowing the officials from the Department of Education to come into the class to watch.

And so, this is, only one BAD teacher’s behaviors, of abusing the young children, and, whatever the reason, ABUSING a child is NEVER justified, and these instructors deserve to get FIRED, and put on the unfitting to work with students list, so they will, NEVER have the chances of, abusing the children, who are left in their, care, ever, again!

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