The Child, Physically Abused by His Father, the Hsinbei City Government Helped File for a Restraining Order for the Child

More cases of how these, fathers, confused ABUSE with, DISCIPLINE, still holding on, to the values of: sparing the rod you spoil the child, because I’m guessing, that that, was how they were, raised, when there IS, a better way, to TRAIN your own children, to BEHAVE themselves!  Off of the Newspapers, translated…

The young girl going to school in Hsinbei City, because of how she’d not made a high enough grade on her exams based off of her father’s expectations, he’d punished her to kneel, then whipped her with a rattan, she was bruised all over her body.  The city originally planned to get this father into a parenting course yesterday, but the society believed, that the city wasn’t doing enough to protect the welfare of the child, the domestic violence prevention center decided to help the child file for a protective order against her own father, to prohibit him from physically abusing her again.

On the evening of June 29th, the girl was physically punished  by her father for not making a high enough grade, the father posted the punishment session online; the following day, the school started the care and counseling means, and confirmed the severity of the child’s injuries, and what had happened, and notified social services.

The manager of the Domestic Violence Prevention Center of Hsinbei City, Hsu stated, that this father’s heart was in the right place, wanting his young to perform better in school, but the means was wrong, he’d used a way that damages the child’s dignity, that it may cause the child to never recover.  Yesterday, the school, the social services, and the domestic violence prevention social workers already visited the home, and warned the father, to NEVER, improperly “discipline” his own daughter, again, and, demanded that the other family members, share the responsibilities for teaching the child, to help protect her safety.

This father and his wife had three children, they are young, but with the traditional beliefs about education, stressed, “you spare the rod, you spoil the child, and rewards should only be given when they behaved well”.  Yesterday, the father got found, for five years aga, shaving his own daughter’s head to bald, which was also, left on FB as evidence, but, it hadn’t gotten, reported.  He’d explained, that his daughter didn’t have enough hair, and her hair was too short, and the students in her class made fun of her, and after he’d discussed the matter with her, and she’d agreed, believed, that rather than getting laughed at often in school, she should shave her head, for her hair to grow back completely again, and finally, her hair volume is, increased somewhat right now.

There ARE, better way, to teach a kid, after all, your kid may be slow to learn, but that doesn’t mean that s/he is, STUPID, or can’t learn, that just means, that you, as her/his parents, need to, spend more time, to work with your young, on the skills you want her/him to master, or what s/he should be able to do, from school, and the grades should still NOT be used as a SORRY EXCUSE for you, to BEAT the SHIT out of your own child!

Physically “Disciplining” His Own Son, the Pediatrician Got His License to Practice Medicine, Suspended

In Taoyuan, there is a pediatrician who’d posted on FB, that he couldn’t teach his own three children well enough, as a single parent, that he’d, used the physical disciplinary measures, and pushed them to the floors, but his ex called him out on what he’d stated, that he’d not only, “swiped” to make his children fall, that he’d, kicked them, HARD, and on top of that, he’d also, SLAPPED them more than fifty times across their faces.  The domestic violence prevention center in Taoyuan and the sexual assault prevention center in Taoyuan yesterday told the press, that they’d, stepped in, to place the children out of the father’s care, now, all three children are left in the care of their birthmother, and their grandparents.

And the pediatrician is a staff of a famed chain OBGYN clinic, the manager of the clinic posted on FB, “domestic violence is WRONG, and we need to go down HARD on those who abused their families”, that the clinic had, halted all of the physician’s clinical practices, as well as all other duties from work, that they will wait for the investigations to finish, as the truth comes out.

And so, this, is how easily, you can, mistake discipline with, abuse, and, these new age parents, still had the minds of the stone ages (was it during that time???  I can’t, really, tell), with the beliefs of spoiling the rod, you spoil the child, when there IS, a better way, to teach your own young, without ANY abuse, so long as you set the rules up correctly with them when they were, younger, then, all should flow, smoothly, and I’m guessing, that this man didn’t have a clue, of how to treat his own young correctly, because he was, “trained”, using the, “rod methods” growing up too, and these abusive parents deserved the HARSHEST punishment EVER, and, they hopefully, will NEVER be in custody of their own children again!

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