Do Provide a Safe Place for the Abused Elderly

Growing old, and living on the lower end of the socioeconomic status ladder here!  This is what we’ll all be, faced with as we grow older, if this continues!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

It’d given me that chill, reading up on the increasing number of elderly being abused, and can’t find a place temporarily for them to be, safe, there are, an increasing number of human elderly kickball, getting bounced around by the nursing homes, it’d, really, awful.

Not long ago, the news of how Honduras tried to extort Taiwan for three billion dollars U.S. in loans, and we couldn’t provide to them, they’d, cut off diplomatic ties.  We do NOT know what sort of a substantial assistance these countries that extorted Taiwan for money has, but, comparing to the needed money to place an elderly person out of a dangerous home, costing only, $5,000N.T., the total we offered to Honduras, can help place tens of millions of elderly in the population who are in need of placement!  And, this miniscule a request, the government doesn’t hear, and just, allowed this group of people, to live and die off on their, own!

Or maybe, some of you think, that my comparison of these two totally unrelated matter is ill-fitted, but, isn’t the party and leader in control of the government, supposed to have the welfare of we the people, in mind?  And it’s, undeniable, how the government turned that blind eye to the elderly in need, who’d been abused, or abandoned, and living under the threats of domestic violence.

elderly population in Japan, living AT the bottom of the socioeconomic status…photo from online

As the country marched into the super elderly population trend, the proportion of elderly had risen to 18.4-percent compared to last year’s statistics; in two more years, one out of every five would be over sixty-five years of age.  Oftentimes, I’d seen the elderly, pushing that shopping cart, piled with the recycling materials inside, and there were the elderly vegetable vendors who’d sold off their homegrown produces at the marketplaces, the elderly who’d gazed into the distance unknown, sitting in the park on the benches, the elderly waiting for long hours to get treated by the physicians in the hospital waiting rooms…………every time, as I watched this happening, I can’t help but wonder, is this, the future, for most of us, when we’re, elderly too?

But, these are still elderly who are still, agilely, living on their, own.  In recent times, the increase in domestic violence cases involving elderly is on that rise, the elderly who can’t live on their own, the caretaking, and the matter of safety concerns, is even more, serious; the problems of dementia, abuse, children abandoning their elderly parents, the nursing home staff abusing the residents, along with other problems that stemmed from this, due to the traditional beliefs of how we need to keep the scandals within the realms of the individual families, causing a ton of elderly who’d been abused, to not be willing to, report it.

And, can we only, follow that path that the Japanese writer wrote about, “Low-Living in the Elderly Years”, growing old, becoming poverty-stricken, and lonely too?

And so, as the population is aging fast, this is a problem that we can’t, put off, we can’t ignore, and yet, the governments systems still aren’t, set up well enough, this is why there are so many cases, growing in numbers, of elderly abuse in this country right now.

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