Parents, Don’t Be the Obstacles that the Children Need to Overcome in the Processes of Recovering from Their Depression

From a mental health professional, some SOUND advice, for ALL of you, STUPID parents out there!!!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

If your children are, psychologically, troubled or diagnosed with a mental condition, it’s like, there’s, this, bad records of her/his, life……………

I’m a social worker who worked in the community for more than twenty years, and, the families I’d helped look after, are of the middle and lower class, the mental patients.

But, I’d also, come across those in the middle class, and even, upper class, with the envied upon achievements, the “good” families, and they’re the ones, I remembered, the most.  In the short encounters, all the parents had the upsets from not having their heightened expectations of their young met, blamed, complained, and the cussing out of their own children, exceeded the shows of concerns for the children, and this made me believe, that this sort of parents who had an extremely high expectations, are one of the major causes for why their young can’t, recover quickly enough and completely.

I can understand, that parents who are, successful, with that high status quo, in their peers, would have the expectation, or, secretly, compared their own young with the children of others, to see if they’d, beaten others’ kids in excellence, and yet, in this long road to life, the heavens had sown down the dices of destiny and chances, and, even for those who are, naturally excellent, they may be faced with the attacks of a mental disorder.

Because of the development of the internet, the advances in technologies, making the assortments of information available for those who want to find it, some kids are sensitive enough, to feel, that they or those they know may have the psychological conditions already.

Awhile ago, there were the high school students who’d posted on the forum of the legislation who’d sparked up the thought of a “need for the chapter on psychological illnesses education”, hoping that the Department of Education can set up the related coursework to help the students understand the psychological disorders better.

Dearest parents, DO put your faces and your expectation aside, and, focus on the unconditional love you feel for your young, then, you will be able to, bend down naturally, to listen, and to, understand, WHAT sort of a storm your kids are currently in, and you will then, have an, open mind, to accompany your own children, pass through the difficult parts of, their lives.

Because the parents are of “higher status quos”, and, having a child with a MENTAL illness (i.e. depression, anxiety, etc., etc., etc.) gives you parents, a BAD rep, that’s why, you are more than apt, to OVERLOOK the symptoms that your children don’t know how to show!

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