The Realm of the Gigantic Whales

In love with nature, with these, magnificent, majestic, creatures of the world!  Translated…

When I first wanted to understand, “how to film the whales and dolphins underwater”, I’d gone to Tonga, and, it’d been, seven years since, and, it’d become, a destination of my travels by the year, like a ritual, like how the fish would, return to their places of birth.

Although, I’m only a freshman in experience, any of the more experienced photographers, in that realm, are all, considered, novices, but, seeing how the daughter of the bed-and-breakfast grow from a three-year-old playful child, to a shy adolescent now, it’s, shocking enough.  Perhaps, one day, she’ll, be married………

And so, year after year, the humpback whale had, swim to this longitude, and it’s become a species of whales I’m, quite familiar with.  The humpback will hunt in the higher longitude locations in the summers, and in the winters, they’d, migrated to locations of the lower longitudes to stay, to breed, to give birth to new calves, and so, the kinds of whales we’d encountered here, are usually mothers and calves.

No matter how fresh the calves were, the newborn that’s “only” four meters long, and weighed a ton, are all just, curious creatures that’s, swum for only just a few weeks in the oceans, and, in order for us, to get up close and personal with him, the key lies in the mothers’ attitudes.

photo that the writer took, of the humpback whale mother and child, from…漂浮在溫暖透澈海水裡的大翅鯨母子對。 攝影/金磊

Having many encounters with wildlife, I’d known, that every single animal has its own personality, just like every dog, every cat is different.  And, if we encounter the more careful mothers, or the pups which are smaller in size, normally, the mothers would swim away, when we’d approached, and, I’d, normally, let go.  And, if they’re, less alert, and would even, swim over to check out the people in the water, then, what happened afterwards, would be, a lot of fun.

But, with the passing of time, compared to how at the very start, I’d, started clicking the shutters the moment I dove into the oceans, now, I’d, hung on to my camera, watched the light reflect the oceans, and, fill up the moments I got, to spend with these, magnificent creatures.  And, normally, shortly after I left, it’s like, I was, overcome, with this addiction, wanted to, soak up inside the ocean, to enjoy this encounters I’d had, with these, creatures of the oceans………year, after year, after year.

And so, this, became more than a job to you, you actually, enjoyed interacting, watching these giant beauties of the oceans, and, by encountering them, you’d, learned, to respect everything living in this world.

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